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My "X" Hometown

In this assignment, we're required to create an infographic foldable pamphlet regarding our hometown. We had to conduct a virtual tour around the sectional area of our hometown to study about the tangible and intangible components of it. The pamphlet consists of two major components, namely the macro study and micro study of the township. Besides, we're also required to include our favourite component of our hometown and areas to improve on.



Week 8-9

I started off by carrying out my research on the history of my hometown and decided on the sectional area of my hometown as well. I've decided to focus on Carpenter Street and Main Bazaar as I had fond memories of those places. Therefore, I named my pamphlet "My Fondest Hometown". 

For my own reference, I compiled all of the information in a google document. As soon as I'm done with my research, I proceeded with my cover page and macro study pages.


Week 10-11

After I'm done with the macro study part, I moved on to draft out my micro study pages. It was definitely a challenging one as the facades i chose have intricate designs and details. Moreover, I used google earth to identify the softscapes around my zoom in area.


Nevertheless, I managed to complete the pages over the span of two weeks. I also received some feedback from my tutor, Mr Paul and made some amendments on my pamphlet.

Week 12-13

Finally, I worked on my favourite component and also identified some areas to improve on in my zoom in area .The favourite component that I've selected was Lao Ya Keng and I also read certain articles online to keep up with the issues that occured around Carpenter Street and Main Bazaar. Thus, I figured out some solutions that might be helpful to overcome the issues and included them in my pamphlet.




Through this assignment, I'm able to apply my knowledge obtained through the ENBE lecture sessions such as identifying building typologies, zoning, infrastructures and so on. Moreover, I've learnt to carry out independent learning by doing my own research and case study online to gain additional information.

Moreover, I've also learnt to utilise several online platforms to gain relevant resources such as google earth, google scholar and so on to enrich the content in my pamphlet

Lastly, I also made several drafts for the pamphlet layout which requires creative and critical thinking skills. I was inspired by several infographic layouts on pinterest and decided to apply the design elements in my pamhplet. 

Lastly, whenever any issues arises, I would refer to my friends for advice and brainstorm solutions together sometimes.

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